Posts tagged Lifestyle
Binge Worthy TV Shows I Watched During Quarantine

So now that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with this virus, I have a feeling that we will quickly be in quarantine again very soon. So here are some of my favorite Netflix/Hulu/HBO TV series and more from the first round of quarantine.

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FabFitFun Box

The most common question I have received, which is almost a little strange that I get asked about this more than anything else, BUT! I have always recommended the FabFitFun Box, and I am SO excited to now be a FabFitFun Partner!

If you have never heard of FabFitFun, which if you’ve ever been on social media then this is not the case, let me tell you a little about it:

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Drop Stop–AKA Life Savers… Literally

Remember the last time you were in your car. And remember the last time you dropped your phone, french fries, or extra change in that endless black hole in between your car seat and your console. What if you never had to reach into that blackhole ever again? What if you never had to get those minute bruises from trying to maneuver your arm in that claustrophobic slot?

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Must-Watch on TV right now!

I have gotten a lot of questions about what TV Shows I have been watching recently!

My mom and I are DEFINITELY TV connoisseurs and I am obsessed with so many shows that are on currently! So there are ways you can stream, but I am much more of a watch it as it premieres type of gal (at least an hour after of course so you can fast forward commercials.

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Using Makeup on the Go

Okay ladies (and gents, I don’t judge) I think we all know the struggle of organizing, compacting, and especially traveling with makeup! My ultimate struggle is keeping my makeup and my makeup bags clean and not covered in excess makeup.

All of my past makeup bags either haven’t had enough space, not enough compartments, or some other random problem that causes my makeup to get everywhere in my bag and I have to wash my hands 10 times every time I put on makeup!

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Cutest Clutch

I am full of gift ideas for ladies, even though I haven’t made an official gift ideas post. But! I have yet ANOTHER perfect gift idea for any of the women in your life! I mentioned this cute product in my latest post on Instagram. It’s this picture if you don’t feel like hitting the link at the moment.

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Jewly Box

If you’re still looking for a cute gift for your best friend or any girl at all, this is the perfect gift! Every girl, almost, loves Jewelry! I found this super cute company called Jewly Box that sends monthly subscription boxes of jewelry an amazing price! You can cancel your subscription any time, but I wanted to show you what all came in my November Box!

Each box comes with at least three pieces and all of the December boxes will be the same as one another, meaning one won’t have different or more products from another! You do get to pick your preference of color But the pieces will not be the same as the ones I am featuring, because this is the November box!

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30 Day Self Care Challenge

I have gotten a lot of feedback from a recent Instagram post regarding my 30 Day self-care challenge in my bullet journal! So I’m going to write a little more about it! What better day to start on a self-care challenge than when there’s 30days left of the month and the year? Start the new year with preformed habits instead of making a goal that you forget about 2 weeks into the new year!

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Slick Case USA

I was astounded when I found Slick Case USA. They make the CUTEST iPhone and MacBook cases! And even better, the have MATCHING BUNDLES for iPhone, MacBooks, and a matching MacBook keyboard cover!! The prices may seem a little high ($44-$74) but if you think about gettin a nice laptop case (>$35), a nice phone case (>$25), and a good Keyboard cover (>$15) it’s a steal to get all of the matching ones together and you’re saving money!

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Where to Go on Black Friday

My mom, my cousin Ally, and I are  TOTAL Black Friday (or may I say Black Thursday) fanatics! I can’t find hardly any pictures from waiting in long lines wrapped around buildings on Thanksgiving day to be the first to jump into the sales on things I really don’t need! But with my experience, I would love to share some insight on which stores should take priority over other stores, which are the most crazy and you could get killed in, and which you can swing by any time after their opening to mozy on into some good deals.

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Do you have a restful, almost perfect sleep nearly every night? Of course not! But now you can! This drink can make you have a good night’s rest, just by drinking one can 30 minutes before you go to sleep!

Som Sleep uses 3 main sources to induce a night of good sleep:

  1. Nutritional Support For Biosynthesis with Magnesium and Vitamin B6

  2. Helps promote relaxation with L-Theanine and GABA

  3. Helps maintain a normal sleep cycle with Melatonin

So with all of these perks, it’s got to be addictive right? Wrong! Look at all of these ingredient perks:

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Saranghae Skin Care

As much as I talk about certain face products and skincare, I only talk about products that do not bother my skin. I have pretty sensitive skin to products that have acid or certain chemicals in them, so I only want to share the products that don’t bother my skin, and hopefully, you will have the same results!

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Under-Eye Mask

I don’t know about you, but personally, I have some extremely sensitive skin, especially when it comes to my face. There have been times that face products have given my tiny bumps around and under my eyes. Not just bumps, but they were basically burns and it would be miserable to use any face products for weeks.

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5 Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

Having to have a costume for a party, event, or just the night of Halloween can certainly be stressful, especially if it’s an hour before the event and you’re scrambling. I already put some fun costume ideas on my 25 Date Ideas post that will probably be on this, mainly because most of them were last minute. But if it’s last minute and you’re hoping for that incredibly extensive costume, you may need a Plan B.

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Beau Underwear

If this is an uncomfortable post for you, I hope you still read this and that we can make conversations like this more comfortable to talk about! We have some big problems in our world today, over 60% of the women in the world don’t have access to either sanitary feminine hygiene products or to clean underwear that they can wear daily. This is a huge problem that most of us don’t think about! I will love to continue about the sanitary feminine hygiene products, and I will in a later blog. But today lets talk about underwear. Whatever you enjoy calling them: undies, underwear, panties, undergarments, whatever you prefer, we all need them! So let’s talk about an awesome company that makes some cute, affordable underwear and also gives back.

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